Spy the unicorn hater and his stupid fucked shit friends with Merasmus

Salut Magots,
I am Painis Cupcake and today i will tell you a TP.
It was Halloween in Hightower and there was a Sniper who created his own costume.He trolled around for few seconds and then said"Im a bloody Pisscorn".
Spy looked confused and asked"Why is it always this time of year we get a sniper like this?",Sniper anwsered,"Becoming a Pisscorn was the best decision i ever made,yeah",Spy looked at the Showel on the ground and said scornful"Oh Soldier,who will there ever find you?".The Showel transformed into Soldier and asked "Can one of you lokk at the Top of my head?",Spy answered"But of corse as long you...".
Soldiers helmet was gone and replaced by an Unicorn
Soldier:Im a pretty Unicorn,,im going to to try out in to the forest and pick each and every one of you maggots on the arragment of flowers and this are the facts as i understand them?"Soldier write on the Blackboard nonsense.
Spy::Soldier,this Unicorn is now under the dissapointment,never be a Pony.
Soldier:But Unicorn
Spy:Not Pony.
Soldier groaned and said,"Then i will be Spy" und verwandelte sich in Spy.
Spy:NOOOO,i am the Spy you idiot.
Soldier:But you called..
Spy:NO,you are a Soldier.
Soldier:No,im Spy.
Soldier:Then i will eat Unicorns
Spy took his moobile phone out and called the Medic.
Spy:Doctor,i require assistance.
Medic:Jawohl(Alright),Medic feel from the Air to Spy"Geronimo".
Medic:Hello Spy,im prepaired to do wat ever it takes.
Soldier.Oh hello medic,where is Teatime friendship Heavy?
Heavy came out from the Window and jumped to the ground."I am here,tell me,who the fuck is that stupid Spy?
Soldier.That Spy embodies a last scum coward.
Heavy:Look at you Soldier,Unicorn is good.
Medic:Nein,it looks ugly.
Heavy:Im crying
Spy:What the hell Gentlemen,this soldier belongs in hell,lets take him home.
Soldier:"Oh no",Soldier rief laut "Merasmus,need some help here"
A radioactive barrel transformed into Merasmus.
Merasmus:I am here.
Soldier:Merasmus,kill each and everyones Penis.
Merasmus:Alright,he said a Spell,"Brisbus,Brasbus,BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRR"
A lighting and all lost their penis and screamed.
Soldier:hah you screwed up now Ladys.
But also Soldier couldnt fell his penis anymore,he looked and had no penis.
Merasmus begun to laught.
Soldier:Dammit Merasmus,not my penis.
Merasmus:Hahahaha,your cock is at hand.
Soldier.Im going to kill you merasmus,again.
Merasmus:Do you not know you deal with the Master of...
Soldier.Merasmus,wanna see a magic trick?
Soldier:Abrakadabra,your cock is my.
Merasmus:NOOOOOOOOOOO,you have took my cock,now you will die.
A huge explosion and all died.
All was now in hell and lost their penis.So sad that they can not fuck womans anymore.
Link to the Video.
Your sincerely
Painis Cupccake.